60 Ungrateful Quotes to Help You Be More Grateful

These ungrateful quotes will help you be more grateful and have a better outlook on life.

Let the words below inspire you to reflect and be grateful for the things you have. In context, giving without expecting anything in return is a noble way of life and should be strived by anybody for the greater good.

However, living without expectation from others and being ungrateful is a lot different. Ingratitude is toxic behavior that sucks the life out of everyone around. Ungrateful people will never express appreciation no matter how big of a help you’ve been.

Ungratefulness is a manifestation of ego. It is a proclamation of power over others, denying people their basic human need for simple appreciation. These ungrateful quotes will give you a different perspective on life.

Don’t forget to also check out these gratitude quotes celebrating life, love & friends.

Ungrateful people quotes for reflection

1. “Ungrateful people breed negativity. No one gets any pleasure from giving to an ungrateful person. When you show appreciation, the object of your attention blossoms and flourishes.” – Paul McCabe

2. “He that forgets his friend is ungrateful to him; but he that forgets his Savior is unmerciful to himself.” – John Bunyan

3. “Ingratitude is always a kind of weakness. I have never known men of ability to be ungrateful.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

4. “Ungratefulness is worse than cancer; it eats away at your soul; blinding your heart and eyes to the beauty and miracles that are all around us each day in our lives.” – Geraldine Vermaak

5. “He that’s ungrateful has no guilt but one; All other crimes may pass for virtues in him.” – Edward Young

6. “He that calls a man ungrateful sums up all the veil that a man can be guilty of.” – Jonathan Swift

7. “But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” – Anne Frank

8.. “A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment.” – David A. Bednar

9. “One ungrateful person does an injury to all needy people.” – Publilius Syrus

10. “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart.” – William Arthur Ward

Ungrateful quotes about relationship

11. “People don’t remember the million times you’ve helped them, only the one time you don’t.” – Unknown

12. “Why are you doing the most for people who are doing the least for you?” – Unknown

13. “If you don’t start appreciating what’s right in front of you, you might lose it.” – Unknown

14. “What you do for an ungrateful man is thrown away.” ― Seneca The Younger

15. “Ungrateful people complain about the one thing you haven’t done for them instead of being thankful for the thousands of things you have done for them. Don’t invest your time into people who think it’s your obligation to cure their ills.” – Unknown

16. “Sometimes, people don’t notice the things we do for them, until we stop doing it.” – Unknown

17. “Never help an ungrateful person get on the feet. It’s like telling a wolf that you’re a sheep.” – Unknown

18. “I hate ungrateful people. You can try your best to make someone happy and it still ain’t enough.” –Unknown

19. “You cannot, at the very same time, be grateful and unhappy, or ungrateful and happy.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

20. “When we become negative and ungrateful, it is important to remember… We have met the enemy; and he is us.” ― Walt Kelly

Ungrateful quotes and regrets

21. “If you help the same person too many times. They’ll start believing that you are obliged to help them and become ungrateful.” – Unknown

22. “But the forgetful person can never become grateful, the benefit received is totally lost to him.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

23. “Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage.” – Unknown

24. “Ungrateful are they who wish their life away. Ungrateful are they who turn their backs on others.” –Karalayne Maglinte

25. “An ungrateful attitude is something most of us are unaware that we have, but everyone else sees.” –Dr. Louis Ngomo Okitembo

26. “Every greed is the root of ungratefulness.” – Laila Gifty Akita

27. “If you’ve got a billion dollars and you’re ungrateful, you’re a poor man. If you have very little but you’re grateful for what you have, you’re truly rich.” – Tony Robbins

28. “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!” – William Shakespeare

29. “Most people return small favors, acknowledge medium ones and replay greater ones – with ingratitude” – Benjamin Franklin

30. “Friendship is the medicine for all misfortune; but ingratitude dries up the fountain of all goodness.” –Cardinal Richelieu

Ungrateful friends quotes to remember

31. “The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.” – Aesop

32. “Never let ungrateful remarks prevent you from doing what you feel is right and good. Let God be your judge.” – Terry Mark

33. “The wicked are always ungrateful.” – Miguel de Cervantes

34. “Some natures are so sour and ungrateful that they are never to be obliged.” – Roger L’Estrange

35. “The saddest of all hearts is one without gratitude.” – Tom Krause

36. “Sadness is so ungrateful.” – Han Suyin

37. “Flints may be melted— we see it daily— but an ungrateful heart cannot be; not by the strongest and noblest flame.” – South

38. “A man’s indebtedness is not his virtue, his repayment is. Virtue begins when he dedicates himself actively to the job of gratitude.” – Ruth Benedict

39. “Unhappiness is a contagious disease caused by a chronic deficiency of gratitude.” – Mokokoma Mokhonaoana

40. “I have too many flaws to be perfect. But I have too many blessings to be ungrateful.” – Zig Ziglar

Ungrateful quotes and unappreciative sayings to keep close to your heart

41. “Never be ungrateful.” ― Lil Peep

42. “Hell is full of the ungrateful.” ― Spanish Proverb

43. “Ungrateful person and complainer will not be blessed.” – Unknown

44. “Ingratitude is the essence of vileness.” ― Immanuel Kant

45. “You can be anything in this world, just don’t be ungrateful.” – Proverb

46. “Ungrateful people forget what they are not grateful for.” ― Ana Monnar

47. “Earth produces nothing worse than an ungrateful man.” ― Decimius Magnus Ausonius

48. “The worst person to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing.” – Unknown

49. “We do not quite forgive a giver. The hand that feeds us is in some danger of being bitten.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

50. “There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude. – Robert Breault

Ungrateful quotes to contemplate on

51. “In every class of society, gratitude is the rarest of all human virtues.” ― Wilkie Collins

52. “Making the ungrateful grateful will bring tears to your eyes, tears of blood bleeding from the heart.” ― Ana Monnar

53. “We ought to be thankful not only for what we have but also for what we do not have.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

54. “People don’t notice the things we do for them until we stop doing them.” ― Mike Skinner

55. “The more I understand the mind and the human experience, the more I begin to suspect there is no such thing as unhappiness; there is only ungratefulness.” ― Steve Maraboli

56. “God protect me from the lazy, selfish and ungrateful.” ― Habeeb Akande

57. “Never ever seek for gratefulness from mankind, you shall always see ungratefulness. Do what you must do as a solemn duty and that is what you have to do!” ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

58. “Sometimes our wants or needs have nothing to do with being ungrateful and everything to do with making a mistake.” ― Shannon L. Alder

59. “It’s normal for us to become unhappy for a while due to how circumstances in life treat us, but it is ungodly for us to be ungrateful for these circumstances that make us unhappy!” ― Israelmore Ayivor

60. “A grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man.” ― Saadi

What did you learn from these ungrateful quotes?

Being aware of people’s efforts towards us can be hard to see. We may be preoccupied with our busy lives and modern demands, but it is essential not to be blinded by these temporary things.

Being grateful and feeling appreciated is a vital component of our humanity. We humans share and give genuine affection towards each other to survive and let others know our intention and care for them even in the smallest gesture.

When we become ungrateful, we are throwing away part of ourselves. We are simply becoming further from who we are and what makes us humans. Being ungrateful breeds greed and fills our minds with selfish thoughts.

Challenge yourself to be grateful every day and live life happily as you shine a light on others. Hopefully, these ungrateful quotes and sayings will remind us to be grateful at all times.

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